You, your friends and family
Everyone can play a role in tackling climate change. You could commit to reducing the amount of food you waste, getting a smart meter, carrying a reusable bottle or coffee cup, or reducing your energy use at home.
For more information on how to start today, take a look at our ‘top ten’ actions to tackle climate change and save money. Further information is also available.
Community groups
The power of communities can really help to fast-forward the UK’s clean growth strategy and drive clean growth. Community energy is a critical part of the wider energy system, with over 200 communities already generating their own energy or improving energy efficiency. Community energy projects can cut emissions, improve air quality, create jobs and make better use of local skills and resources to drive clean growth.
Green GB Week is an opportunity to explore what climate action your community could take and how it could benefit from clean growth. Discover how you and your community could generate your own renewable energy through the Community Energy Resource Hub, pledge to plant more trees in your local area or host a climate change and cake event to discuss what climate action you can take in your community.